That ultra-thinness gives the material useful properties& ultimately, scientists want to use graphene to build transistors, or, say, a paper-thin computer. 超极轻薄的特性使这种材料具有光明的实用前景&最终,科学家希望使用石墨烯制造晶体管,也就是说,用它造出只有一张纸那么薄的电脑。
Association refers to taking the material we want to remember and relating it to something we remember accurately. 联想指将我们要记忆的材料和我们已准确记住的信息联系起来。
Second, there is more material that I want to present in the course and the extra lectures are more than welcome. 其次,我希望在课堂上介绍更多的知识,额外的讲座更加受欢迎。
What have you got in the way of material? I want something warm but not too heavy. 你们有些什么料子?我想要穿起来暖和但又不太重的。
People enjoy fewer material pleasures in periods of recession, so want more visual pleasures, and there's more variation among short haircuts than long. 人们在经济低迷的时期所能享受到的物质快乐将会减少,所以人们更需要视觉上的满足感,而短发比长发更容易变换式样。
I want more& but not necessarily in the material sense of personal wealth and success. I want more out of life. 我们想要的更多&并不是对于个人财富和成功等物质性需求,我们对于生活,想要更多。
This is a nano factory producing almost any material you want as very fine nano powders. 这是一家纳米工厂,它几乎能利用细小的纳米粉生产你想要的任何东西。
We don't have that material you want this suze. 这种尺寸,我们没有你要的面料。
Bacteria swap genetic material among themselves, and the last thing you want to do is introduce a resistant strain, even of a beneficial microbe, into your body. 细菌在它们自己内部交换遗传物质,你想要做的最后一件事是把一种菌株,甚或是一种有益菌引入你的体内。
I have brought material for two dresses which I want you to make for me. 我带来了衣料,想请你给我做两件连衫裙。
The fact that most of this material will be available free, if we want to tend it, back it up, keep adding to it, and organize it, will be less and less appealing as time goes on. 相比于我们自己照料、备份、添加、组织这些内容(的麻烦),随着时光流逝,能够免费获得大部分内容这件事会变得越来越没有吸引力。
Typically, though, you might stop somewhere in the middle and have some reasonable amount of material in both phases, and you want to find out the composition in each phase. 通常地,虽然,你或许,停在中间的某个位置,在两相中都有适量的物质,你想,找出每一相的组成。
With a search engine you can sort through vast amounts of online information to pinpoint the material you want. 通过搜索引擎我们可以从浩瀚的网际找到我们所需要找的信息。
Enter the material which you want to allocate to the piece of equipment as a single item. 输入要分配给设备做为单一项目的物料。
Enter one per-use cost for a material resource if you want to enter only one per-use cost for that material resource and you don't want to incorporate future cost changes. 如果只想为材料资源输入一个每次使用成本,并且不想包含未来的成本变化,则为材料资源输入一个每次使用成本。
A once-enviable labour market has consigned millions to material and psychological want. 它那曾经令人羡慕的劳动力市场,已让数百万美国人陷入物质和精神都很贫困的境地。
Whenever you need, Please do not hesitate to tell us standard, material, specification, and quantity of titanium products you want. 无论什么时候需要我们的产品,请及时联系我们,告诉我们您所需要的钛产品的具体规格,标准,材料,数量。
In the units field for the material resource you want, type or select the number of units to be used on this assignment. 在所需材料资源的“单位”域中,输入或选择用于此工作分配的单位数。
If you have enough material and want to suspend yourself from the ground, you can create a cot. 如果你有足够的此阿里奥,想要把自己悬挂起来,那么你可以造一个吊床。
It was made from aluminium alloy, a kind of hard material, which can prevent the stuff you want to hold from being stolen. 它是由一种安全的材料&铝合金制成的。这种材料能很好地保护你想加密的物品。
"At a certain age in Hollywood, you have to find the material you want to do," she says. 泽塔-琼斯说:在好莱坞发展到了一定年龄后,你得找到自己想去做的题材。
In the task name field, select the material resource you want to adjust work amounts for across the time period. 在“任务名称”域中,选择要在某个时间段中为其调整工时量的材料资源。
"Any time you have nuclear material or other potential hazardous material out there, you want to make sure everything's done to be able to contain ( it)," he said. “任何时候你有核材料或者其他潜在的有害物质有,你要确保一切的努力,能够遏制(资讯科技),”他说。
I should disremember material gains and appetite and want to make friend with saint, then enjoy the free life. 我也已洗尽了尘世俗念,忘却了功利欲望,想要和你鸥王交游,去享受自由的生活。
Competitors can bring any reference material they want, including electronic materials. 可以带资料,纸质的,电子的都行。
So you must find out what the executives who are going to approve your material want. 所以,你必须要搞清楚审阅你材料的执行官想要的是什么。
When you are choosing the style and material that you want to use for your lawn edging. 当你选择你想要的风格和材料使用稍微贵草坪。
Small molecule inhibitors that is for this kind of material, through the appropriate method, we can synthesis the material which we want, and finally treat the diseases. 小分子抑制剂即为这类物质,通过适当的方法,可以合成所需的抑制剂,最终实现治疗疾病这一目标。
As knowledge workers, medical staffs are not only with certain requirements for the working conditions and material treatment, more importantly, they want access to career development and success; they also require the hospitals to carry out more responsibilities of development and specification. 讨论1.医护人员作为知识型员工,不仅对于相关的工作条件及物质待遇有一定要求,更重要的是,他们渴望获得事业的发展及成功,要求医院履行更多的发展责任及规范责任。